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Fideles Ministries
Promise Life Educational Concepts
"Come Follow Me" : New Pathways Series

Jesus calls all of us to "leave our nets" and follow Him in a lifetime of learning and practice called "discipleship". For our children, this discipleship can begin early within our homes naturally and individually, "talking to them when you are sitting in your house, and when you walking by the way, when you lie down, and when your rise." (Deut.11:190)  But somehow in America we have come to believe that neither "discipleship", "home", or their "individuality" are essential  when it  comes to our childrens formal education. The goal of this series of ebooklets "Come Follow Me", is designed to help guide us back to a way of thinking about educating our children based on the sure foundation of God's Covenant Promise's "to us and to our children" (Acts 2:39). They are about creating "new pathways", for discipleship, home, and individuality in education as we seek to "follow Him".

For generations American Christians have used, taught, and administered in the Public Schools Systems. But today it is no longer a place where Christian influence can be maintained effectively and is therefore no longer a sound choice for the education of Christian Children. Further, staying in the system may be seriously detrimental to the spiritual health of our children. Many developments have combined to create this situation and it is prompting a "re-evaluation" of the whole nature of the system even from those outside the Faith. But the good news is that God in His Providence is opening "new doors" of Christian Educational opportunities and entrepreneurship for His People. So, there is no good reason to stay in Egypt if the Lord is providing a path through the sea. "No Longer Sound" seeks to address these topics.

Necessary Education : The Necessity of Spiritual Education for Christian Children

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So, if we leave Public School, what is it that we are seeking and what is the goal for our children? Is it just a mere change in locations and curriculums? No, as beings created in the image of God, they are made to reflect God's Image and see the world through His Eyes. This means developing through education, over time, a "Christian Worldview". This requires them to be in an environment where the Holy Spirit can bring "light and life" to their subjects through the application of God's Word. It requires us to actively commit them and their education to our Father by planting them in the best educational soil we can. Then, we are to nourish them with His Word, and to prayerfully seek and wait on Him to cause the growth of His Kingdom in their hearts. "Necessary Education" seeks to address these topics.

Grasping God's Promises : Creating an Educational Environment for Christian Children

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In our previous booklet, we said that our children need to be in a teaching environment where the Holy Spirit may operate through God's Word. This is because our object for them is not just to garner knowledge but to gain wisdom, the correct application of knowledge in God’s world. And for this, we are seeking to grasp God’s Promise to us for our children that the Holy Spirit would give them “eyes to see and ears to hear”. This Promise is about God being “God” to us and to them as He promised to Abraham, our whole redemptive environment. For this, we need to abandon the dualistic spiritual/secular view of education as it denies that God is our total environment and seek discipleship. Discipleship means more than just the gaining of new information, it means internalizing God’s views, values, and ways. For this, the most fertile mission field one can find is in the raising and education of the children in one’s own family. Further, understanding discipleship as education have great rewards now and far-reaching implications for eternity. For in the New Heavens and New Earth our Father will entrust it's management to us. Grasping God's Promises seeks to address these topics.

Praying Our Father's Promises for our Family

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“For the Promise is for you and for your children and for all who are far off, as many as the Lord our God will call to Himself. “Acts 2:39    This Promise for us, our children, and all who will come, is the ultimate fulfillment of God’s redemption of us all from the fall into sin and death and the completion of God’s promise to Abraham to be God unto him and his descendants after him. And we are Abrahams spiritual descendants through our Faith, he being “the father of all who believe” Rom. 4:11  “I will establish My covenant (Promise) between Me and you and your descendants after you throughout their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be God to you and to your descendants after you. Gen.17:7 The outpouring and presence of the promised Holy Spirit in the book of Acts from the passage above is the final solution to our sin and death problem because it changes us internally not merely outwardly. Only He can change our hearts and minds. It allows us to trust His solution for our sins in the death and resurrection of Jesus and the transformation of our and our childrens minds and hearts though His Word by His Holy Spirit. So if God has offered this to us and our children, then why are we not regularly and faithfully praying for the fulfillment of HIs Promise in our childrens and families lives? Perhaps we have not because we ask not. Praying God's Promises for our Family  seeks to provide an understanding and guide for doing that. 

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  Buford, Ga. 30518
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